
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Growing Bacteria

        Growing Bacteria

Day 1: Today we were checking on our petri dishes. My perti dish has not changed since Tuesday. The agar agar is yellow. My bacteria came from a door handle.

 I did some more petri dishes but I did not have a photo but the bacteria grew and there was also mould on it as well as the bacteria that came from the toilet seat.

Going to Whangarei

In the holidays I went to Whangarei. It is in the north island and is a small city. I went with my mum and sister and we visited a lot of people. We went in the first week of the holidays on Wednesday. We went because it is where me and my sister were born and we go there once or twice a year.

We woke up at four in the morning and then got ready to go. We hopped in the Uber and went to the airport. Then we had to wait for a while until we got on the first plane. We got to the Auckland airport and got breakfast and then found where our gate was and waited near it. We had to wait for a long time and then hopped on our plane. When we got to Whangarei our Nanna and Poppa came with our Grandma and picked us up. We had not seen them in so long that my Nanna cried and it was actually the first time we had seen her cry. We got our luggage and left the airport. Then me and my sister went to stay at our Nanna and poppas house for the night and went to our Grandmas the next morning. We had the rest of our holiday visiting friends and family and when we went to the airport and left to go to Auckland airport. When we got to Auckland Airport we got some dinner and ate it then got on our next plane back to Christchurch. When we got home it was nearly 10:00 so out step dad picked us up and took us back to our house. 

My Art


Today we were doing Digital Art. I did this piece of art and put my own colors. The person who did this piece of art was Paul Gauguin .

This piece of art was made by Mohammed Melehi. I chose this piece of art because it looked like something fun to do and it was easy but satisfying at the same time.