
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Growing Grid - Facts About Japan And Japanese School Life



                                                                This Is My Slideshow

                                Growing Grid - Facts About Japan And Japanese School

For Growing Grid / Inquiry I did Japanese with Timmy the teacher In our class. The first challenge we did was he had a bunch of cards and we had to figure out which one was ours by trying to figure our name in Japanese. My friend found mine and I found hers. Our next thing we did was we got into groups of our colour of the piece of card and we had to answer a bunch of questions. My team got about 6 out of 7 or 8 questions right. Then we got to pick what country or culture we get to learn about. I did Japanese culture and my friend Uanita picked Tongan culture. We have been learning for about 6 or 7 weeks and here is what I have learnt. I have working on my slideshow for 5 weeks now and I love what I have figured out about Japan.

                                                             Hope You Like It !

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