
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Bring Your Name To Life In Minecraft

 For CRT with Elizabeth we had to make our name in minecraft in creative mode. The blocks I used were Purpur Glowstone and Glass for the box and Black concret for my name. For the floor inside the box I used Quartz.I think I did a good job at my name.


  1. Hi Everiey nice job on building your name but maybe next time you can make the letter the same size

  2. Hello Everly!
    You did an incredible job on your Minecraft Creative name!
    This could be better if you lit it up or made it day time!
    How long did it take you to make?
    Did you use redstone??
    Why did you make it at night???
    What was you favorite and least favorite part of making it????

    Bye From Casey.

  3. Hi Everley
    I really like your name in minecraft.
    All the colours reminded me of crystals.
    Next time you could add some lights so we can see it better in the dark.

  4. Hi Everley I am Bella from Yaldhurst Model School.
    I love the way you have made this is minecraft. I love to play minecraft too and I have also made a name art too and it is really fun. Do you like to play minecraft?


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