
Friday, October 16, 2020

Polar Bears


Polar bears are marine mammals and are the largest living carnivores on land.

Polar bears weigh as much as 2 vending machines. Polar bears fur is actually transparent with a core that projects light. The bottom of polar bears feet have tiny hairs on them so it is easier to grip on ice.

Polar bears eat large ringed and bearded seals and can swim 6.2 kms.

Polar bears in the wild can live up to 30 years of age but it is rare

because they normally live up to 25 years. 

Male polar bears can weigh more than 770 kg.

When a polar bear's fur gets dirty they rub themselves in the snow to clean their fur. And an average polar bear can swim more than

1,800 miles in a year.

Polar bears are found in Alaska, Canada Russia and Greenland also Canada is home to approximately 60 % of the polar bear population.


  1. Hey Everly your polar bear facts are amazing and I loved the way you put them in order from facts about what it does to where it lives. But maybe next time make shorter sentences so it won't go off the page but apart from that amazing work.

  2. Hi Everley waw I didn't know that is a very interesting fac.t have you been studying these? did you no that the right and goes off the page? you could make your writing so it doesn't go off the page.
    From Devon

  3. Hi Everley
    I like how you told us lots of interesting facts about polar bears. When I read your post I learnt how old polar bears live for. Next time you could tell us more about how they live. From Olivia


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