
Monday, May 17, 2021

Me And Arias Alien Script

 Alien Everley: Lets head back to mars

Alien Aria: Good plan lets go

1 hour later…

 Aliens Everley and Aria : ahhhhhhh

“ Bus crashes into asteroid and we fall into a deep dark hole underground”

Alien Aria :Where are we??

Alien Everley: I dont know but our bus is broken lets try find something to fix it!

 Alien Aria: I hear something strange

Random Alien: HELP ME!!

We look around but cant find anything…..

Alien Everley: Lets go back to the bus and split up to see if we can find any tools.

Alien Aria : Ill go right you go left call my name if you find  something

Alien Everley: Ok see you soon

4 minutes later…

Alien Aria : Everley!! I found tools head back to the bus and we will fix it.

Alien Everley: Ok coming!

We get back to the bus and fix it.

Alien aria: All done lets go back home to mars.

We get the space bus and travel safely back to our home at mars...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Everley
    I really like that you guys were alien because it look fun to do but next time put in what you had to do it for.


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