
Monday, May 24, 2021

The Valley Of Creatures

Chapter 1

Me and Kora woke up in the middle of nowhere in a taxi with all of our luggage and a big bag of food. We looked around and all we saw was these big orange rocks making a pathway leading up to the road. We thought that the taxi driver had lost control of the car and fallen of the cliff but when we drove up to the road the car shot back down into the valley. Now we were stuck. We drove up the road to see if there was anything there and when we turned the corner we saw a big creature chasing us. We drove back down the road to the pathway and the creature was not there. Kora said" I saw a sign up the road where the creature was saying The Valley of Creatures on it".  Then she said" Also it said if you come down here you are stuck here forever unless you get pass our course with heaps of creatures in it. Oh No. We were stuck and if we die we will be a creature in the valley. So there are so many creatures and they were once humans so thousands of people died down here and we have to get out. I was screaming my head of but then.... A huge creature that looked like a snake slithered up to us and started hissing. We drove past it an got past the first creature. The levels get harder and harder util the last creature the BOSS.

Chapter 2

Then we went to the next corner and waited there until the creature came near us. We peeked around the corner and saw a big fluffy thing with big pink spots all over its sky blue fur. OK Everley we need to pass this next monster. Kora said. Suddenly this big earthquake happened and the creature disappeared. We kept walking up the road and saw a telephone. We picked it up and we heard a creepy voice in the phone saying"I SEE YOU" ...

1 comment:

  1. Everley what is going to happen next, you left the story in a very scarey place? I enjoyed creating pictures in my mind from your description of the monsters - gave me the shivers!


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