
Monday, June 14, 2021

Stuck In Space

Chapter 1  I woke up one morning and felt exited. I was going to NASA and going into space!!! I rushed to my wardrobe and pulled out my jeans and a T-shirt. I got changed and got in my car and drove for hours and hours away from home. Then I saw it. The big building with the giant NASA sign on the front of it. I got out of the car and walked slowly inside as I looked around and saw the HUGE spaceship in front of me. This man walked up to me wearing a dark navy blue suit with a bright red tie and dark black shoes. He said to me"Hello there you must be Hazel our new astronaut!"Are you exited for your trip into space? "YES!!!!!!!!!!!! " I screamed as there was a echo in the room getting quieter and quieter then faded away. I went over to have a closer look at the spaceship then this huge metal claw reached out and grabbed me and pulled me into the spaceship. Then a 10 second countdown started happening. The man yelled "Get out of there"! I went over to the door as there was 5 seconds left and it was locked. 3...2...1... Blastoff! The Rocket ship launched up into the air and floated into space. I was stuck in space. Now I had to live in space with NO FOOD OR WATER!!!! I looked out of the window to see the beautiful view and Oh My God the view it was amazing. I could see on and on and the earth covered in white fluffy clouds. Then an alarm went off saying "Evacuate the building" "Flames on the ship". I saw bright Red, Orange and Blue flames creeping closer and closer to me as I was walking to the back of the ship. Then a door opened and I floated out into space. I tried to get back in the ship but when I looked over my shoulder and saw ashes floating around. This is the situation. I am stuck in space, with no food and water and my ship just burnt down in flames so I can't get back home.

Chapter 2 The UFO  I was floating around in my big heavy white space suit when I saw a UFO heading towards me. Suddenly this big green light came out from the bottom of the ship and took me into the UFO. Inside I saw old astronauts from like 100 years ago and they looked really young like really really young in their 20's. I opened my mouth SO wide I was so surprised! I have been their biggest fan since I was about 5. O.M.G HI! I'm such a big fan. One of them said to me "Do you want to go home"? And I replied with "Yes please and can I have a autograph"?         TO BE CONTINUED...

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