
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How To Make A Pom Pom

I made a pom pom using wool ,cardboard, a cup, a coin and a marker.

1.  First you have to get your cup and two pieces of card board and trace it on the cardboard
2. After you have done that you have to trace the coin in the middle of your circle and draw two lines.
3. Cut out the circle and the coin with the lines so it looks like a fortune cookie.
4. Make 2.
5. Get your wool and rap it around in a thick layer until you reach the end of the cardboard pieces.
6. Now grab your scissors and cut the wool in between the cardboard pieces.
7. Grab a scrap piece of wool and tie the wool.

Now take it off and you have got a pom pom.


  1. Thanks Everly for your clear instructions. What did you do with your pompom and what would you do differently next time?

  2. Everly I love your pom-pom its, so cool


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