
Monday, June 8, 2020

Monday Mashup Music For Today

Today for Monday Mashup we were doing music using percussion instrument's only. I was using the claves. We had to use a piece of paper with four different boxes and other small boxes in the inside. There were sixteen boxes inside each of the four boxes and we had to draw our instrument inside the small boxes. Me and my first group didn't do that well but when i swapped groups our music sounded very cool. After we practiced our instruments we put all of our instruments together we made a beautiful piece of music.     

This is my second team.

Have you done something like this before?


  1. Kia Ora Everley, Well done!! I especially love how you have asked a question at the end to include us. My answer is yes, I have done something like this when I was at school. I used to like playing the triangle. What is your favourite instrument?

    1. Hi Scott I think my favorite instrument has to be the drums or the guitar. I think they have to be the ones that are my favorite.

      Thank you Scott for the comment.
      Kind regards Everley

    2. That is awesome! I'm a fan of the guitar.


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