
Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Old Railroad


The railroad was built in 1838 and used to travel from place to place. It was known as the longest railroad in the world and also one of the most rickety. The railroad started to fall apart. Everything was falling of shelf's and drinks were tossed over.  The train fell off the tracks and was never to be seen again. That was when the railroad got abandoned but luckily this was a test train and there was no one in it. The train was there because they wanted to test the track because people have been complaining that the tracks were to rickety. No one has been there since 1838. But I decided to come and have a look. I made some food because I was planning to stay the night. Then I packed a tent, a sleeping bag, clothes and a blanket. I got in my car my dog jumped in and we drove to the railroad.

When we got there we made camp and fell asleep because by the time we got there it was midnight. I woke up early the next morning to explore around the forest and the railroad. At the time I was still in school and this was a project I was working on. It was a Wednesday so school was on. I got out my camera and started to connect my camera to my teachers computer. I started filming. All of my classmates were watching a live video of me at the old abandoned railroad. Me and my dog were walking on the railroad and when we got to the other side we were in the forest. We were walking around looking at all the lush green trees waving in the freezing cold wind as it was getting stronger and stronger. Suddenly we heard a noise behind us...

We ran to the bushes to hide because we thought that some animal was following us. But then we just saw a news reporter following us with a huge camera.I was going to be on the news...


1 comment:

  1. I like the first part of your story when you went to the railroad maybe next time you could add more describing words.


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