
Thursday, July 8, 2021

Bridle Path Walk

 On Tuesday 6th of July at 9:30 Tawhirimatea went on a walk to the Bridle Path.

Why did we go?

We went because we are learning about the europeans and what the had to carry and how hard it was with all their belongings.

What did we do?

We walked up a steep hill and tried to see what and how it was for the europeans.

How did I feel when we got to our destination?

I felt tired because the last part at the end was the steepest part walking up and I was worn out.

How hard I think it would be for the Europeans

I think it would be very hard because they had so much to carry all their belonging and the hill is very steep and you had to get all the way to the top an all the way down and that is like 1 and a half or 2 hours!

What was the hardest part for me.

For me the hardest part was the steep part at the end of going up because I could run down the part going down the hill.

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