
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

My V-Hut Model

  What I made:

 For the last couple of weeks I have been working on making a V Hut model. When we went to Ferrymead there was a V Hut there and heaps of chores to do around it. I am still working on it but it is going good. 

How I made it:

I used Cardboard, Hot glue, Paint, and Sand, I made a garden and all the stuff inside.

What is going well:

Well my V- Hut is going very well it has almost everything it needs but I just have to make a couple more accessories and the it will be finished.

What would I do differently for my next Inquiry Project:

I would get everything done quickly and do it as soon as i could so i had more time on the add on's and the hard things.

What it looks like so far

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